At our last meeting the Galena High School 5 Star Boosters approved funding requests from the Art Department (Cameras for the photography class) and the PE Department (Wall-mounted TVs to be used in several classes/programs) as well as approving our inaugural Teacher Incentive Program. We have committed over $10,000.00 to these three projects alone during the 2023-2024 school year.
We plan to fund many additional project requests throughout the 2023-2024 school year with your support! During the last school year (2022-2023) we supported your school with the following funding:
● $11,000 toward Senior Scholarships for the Class of 2023
● $10,240 to Athletics and $2,560 to Fine Arts from the sale of the Extracurricular Pass
● $6,000 for 5 new Nikon cameras and kits for the Yearbook Class (in process)
● $3,000 for the purchase of Spirit Wall Wraps for Galena High School
● $3,000 toward the purchase of new ROTC polo shirts.
● $2,000 toward the purchase of Staff Jackets for 10+ years of service at Galena
● $1,500 for a Cricut and Printing Press for The Den and Galena Leadership
● $1,500 Strategies Class for classroom and art supplies
● $1,000 toward the Santa Wrap
● $350 in gift cards for teacher incentives
● $60 Mock Trial Club
● Monthly Teacher Appreciation events and Senior events
You can support your Galena High School 5 Star Boosters in the following ways:
● Become a member, and renew your membership each year –
● Purchase an extra-curricular pass
● Donate to our No-Fundraiser | Fundraiser throughout the year – Venmo ID: @Galena-PTO (be sure to include “fundraiser” in your comments)
● Attend our annual Dollars for Scholars Auction and Social (Save the Date announcement coming soon)
Thank You!
The Galena High School 5 Star Boosters